Monday, October 24, 2011

Mood Board for Magazine Cover

Questions to Answer About Magazine Cover:
  1. Who is the target audience?
    • College students and young adults who like to bake
  2. What is the name of your magazine? Why?  Connotations?
    • College Baking: treat yourself and your friends
  3. What will your masthead look like?  Do you have any ideas for fonts?
    • College Baking will be large with a smaller tagline of "treat yourself and your friends"
    • Fonts - something simple and clean - sans-serif
  4. What images will be on the cover and why?
    • Fall Themed desserts to take to Halloween parties - because it will be a Halloween/Fall themed issue
  5. What will be your sell lines to entice your target audience?
    • Be Resourceful - what to use if you don't have the tools you need
    • Collaborate - share ingredients with roommates or neighbors
    • Crock Pot Cakes - no oven, no problem
    • Ghoulish [Trick or] Treats - impress your friends at Halloween parties with these recipes 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mind Map for Magazine Cover

The string of thoughts that I found most interesting was baking.  I'm thinking of this time of the year, fall, I really bake a lot and the whole house is filled with smells of spices and sweets.  Maybe I can also take another spin on baking, like baking in the college years or something like that to set my magazine apart from the ones that are already out there.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Understanding Photoshop

Goal: Successfully merge an image of yourself into a magazine ad and add text.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Google Sketch Up

Goal: Create a 3-D House in Google Sketch Up
 House used as model
my 3-D sketch

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Second Seed Packet (Mother of Pearl)

beginnings of design on second seed packet
Continual development of second seed packet
further editing
finished design