Friday, November 18, 2011

CSS Basics

Chapter 1: Introduction to CSS
This chapter talks about the different ways to use CSS coding.  There is both internal stylesheets (coded inside the <head> tag in html), and external stylesheets (coded in a separate CSS file).  There is also inline styles that define the style of specific text, but it would take a long time to use inline styles (coded inside HTML) on all text, and is especially inefficient if the text will have the same style.
Chapter 2: CSS Syntax
This chapter is about how CSS code is written.  There is a selector and a declaration.  Within the declaration is the property and value.  You can combine selectors if multiple types of text are going to have the same style.  Comment tags can be used to explain to others who may be looking at your code, why you wrote what you wrote.
Chapter 3: CSS Classes
CSS classes are used to change the style of a specific word or phrase in your CSS file.
Chapter 4: CSS ID’s
ID’s are similar to classes, except once a specific id has been declared it cannot be used again within the same HTML file.

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